Don'T Move

Don'T Move

Feb 05 admin  

Don'T Move
Torrent Version Download

Get ready for a mesmerizing experience! This Don'T Move
PC game is pre-installed and available for free download via both Direct and Torrent links. Dive into enchantment with just one click.

IN Don'T Move Much attention is paid to the cannonced dissonance, namely the intersection of gameplay and narrative elements. The player will have to manipulate investments to use them to pump unit, increase his level, discovering new mechanics and abilities. This unusual puzzle will give new sensations from passing, and will tighten for a long time … If the gamer understands its essence and basics. Management is carried out both from the keyboard and from the gamepad (full support).

The character knows how to move left and right, but as follows from the name – this is not worth it, because Unit will immediately explode and scatter into many pixels. So what to do here!? Go or stay in place? But in this case, there will be no progress and development, and if you run, then death will overtake. It turns out the death of the protagonist – this is an important mechanics of gameplay, and not the early end of the game, marked about the failure.

Always do not move the location to the same – this is a corridor with torches placed on the sides, it is not possible to go beyond its limit, since more than 10 steps must be taken to overcome it, and this is fraught with an explosion and the beginning of the next cycle. At each level there is a certain task necessary for execution, for which glasses and medals are charged. After the completed mission, the total statistics of the number of attempts made, the length of the passage, time spent and earned medals are shown.

System requirements
  • OS: XP/VISTA/7/8/10
  • RAM: 2 GB
  • Place on the disk: 15 Mb

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