Executive Assault 2

Executive Assault 2

Apr 09 admin  

Executive Assault 2
Torrent Version Download

Get ready for a mesmerizing experience! This Executive Assault 2
PC game is pre-installed and available for free download via both Direct and Torrent links. Dive into enchantment with just one click.

Executive Assault 2 takes the action into space, where users are invited to begin exploring the local expanses. But the most important thing is that this project combines two genres at once – shooter and strategy. Here, the key goal will be to create your own corporation to confront other factions. Everyone here has their own intentions and goals, and everyone will use any methods in order to survive.

Switching to strategy mode, the gamer will control the main organizational processes at the station. This applies to the construction of individual blocks, searching for resources in previously unexplored areas, as well as designing new models of robots or ships. When any operation is put into action, it can be monitored. For example, if an expedition went in search of resources, its ship can be monitored until it disappears from sight. When building a warship, it is necessary to choose the type of hull, as well as weapons. When the process is activated, you can switch to first-person mode to observe what is happening directly in the hangar. In addition, during combat operations, you can take control of one of the robot warriors in order to personally take part in an attack on a third-party base. If the battle takes place with the participation of the fleet, you can sit at the helm of a newly created fighter and give the enemy heat, destroying them at high speed. In total, the game has access to more than 60 technologies, so you can significantly upgrade each of the units, making them a truly dangerous weapon.

Game information
System requirements
  • OS: Windows 7, 8, 10 (64 bit)
  • CPU: AMD Duel core/Intel i5
  • RAM: 6 GB
  • Video card: 4 GB
  • Disk space: 7.1 GB

Download WITHOUT torrent

direct link via Ufiler

Additional distributions:
Pirate Portable (Tablet: Sewn in)
Version: v
Information about distribution
2.32 GB
File storage
Version: v
Open vault
2.16 GB


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