Moses: from egypt to the Promised Land

Moses: from egypt to the Promised Land

Jan 29 admin  

Moses: from egypt to the Promised Land
Torrent Version Download

Get ready for a mesmerizing experience! This Moses: from egypt to the Promised Land
PC game is pre-installed and available for free download via both Direct and Torrent links. Dive into enchantment with just one click.

Moses: from egypt to the Promised Land – This is a game based on one of the most famous biblical stories. The gamer transforms into Moses, who acts as a prophet for his brothers and tries to save them from enemies. The goal is to first save the Jews from the Egyptians who are trying to enslave this people, and then take revenge on the enemies for them and lead to the future house. Here you will have to save a lot of their compatriots from oppression, for which you will need to use not only earthly methods, but also divine power.

To go through Moses: from Egypt to the Promized Land, you will have to support comrades and suppress the enemies. This will need to travel all over ancient Egypt, find the unfortunate and provide them with help, simultaneously wiping their nose to their oppressors. The main task is to feed the hungry, free prisoners, give medicines to the patients, protect the weak and beat the strong. As a result, it remains only to throw all 10 Egyptian executions on the heads of the poor Egyptians, open water and for 40 days and nights to drive their fellow citizens in the desert to find the promised land. Thus, the player is waiting for the transformation of the Nile waters into streams of blood, reptiles of the creeping, roots of insects, causing ulcers in cows, natural disasters, locusts, darkness and death of the first -born. After that, you will need to make a plank with 10 commandments that will allow you to collect strength for further miracles and save the Israelites from evil fate.

System requirements
  • OS: 7, 8, 10 (64-bit)
  • CPU: Intel Core i3 3.0 GHZ
  • RAM: 8 GB
  • Video card: GeForce GTX 680

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