No Plan B

No Plan B

Apr 09 admin  

No Plan B
Torrent Version Download

Get ready for a mesmerizing experience! This No Plan B
PC game is pre-installed and available for free download via both Direct and Torrent links. Dive into enchantment with just one click.

IN No Plan B the user can engage in strategic planning of special forces operations. During the passage, you will be able to create plans to storm structures in which enemies, represented by terrorists or other people, have settled. You can independently form a group that will go on missions. Each individual fighter can be given personal equipment to create a balanced unit. Battles can take place in existing locations, as well as in user-created ones.

One of the features of No Plan B is that the selected equipment will be used over several consecutive tasks. In this way, it will be possible to try to plan not only the current mission, but also take into account future requirements. You can issue various pistols, machine guns and shotguns, sniper rifles, as well as explosive devices and blinding grenades. Using the equipment provided, you can try to neutralize your opponents. In addition to special forces, you can play for the FBI, robbers and gangsters.

The gameplay is about planning the movements of each fighter during the battle. You can send individual participants to check corners and shelters to make sure that there are no enemies there. You can gain a tactical advantage by, for example, throwing a grenade into a room before entering it. You can try to avoid taking damage, as soldiers may die. For successful completion, it will be possible to increase the level of the unit.

Game information
  • Developer: GFX47
  • Interface:

System requirements
  • OS: Windows 7, 8, 10 (64 bit)
  • CPU: 2.2 GHz Dual core
  • RAM: 2 GB
  • Video card: NVIDIA GTX 510+
  • Disk space: 956 MB

Download WITHOUT torrent

direct link via Ufiler

Additional distributions:
File storage
Version: v 1.0
Open vault
410 MB


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