

Apr 12 admin  

Torrent Version Download

Get ready for a mesmerizing experience! This TerraTech
PC game is pre-installed and available for free download via both Direct and Torrent links. Dive into enchantment with just one click.

TerraTech focuses on creating vehicles that can be driven or moved around a randomly generated world. Here players will have to participate in battles, complete quests, obtain resources and improve their creations as they explore. The technology for creating units is based on the cabin block. It is better to hide it as deep as possible in the car for protection. The design is easy to understand – anyone can glue a bunch of blocks together, put some wheels on the sides and a couple of guns on top, and let the game's physics engine render the result in a believable way.

In TerraTech, the blocks are divided into 4 separate mechanical themes, which include gray military vehicles, yellow construction vehicles, colorful racing cars and black stealthy buildings. There are a range of sizes available with a variety of aesthetic and mechanical features that allow creative players to create unexpected results.

In addition, gamers may have the joy of filling every surface of a large vehicle with a small gun and “greeting” nearby vehicles with a hail of bullets. However, survivability is low early in the game, leading to frustration – players will have to wait a bit before they can get larger batteries to power their shield and healing bubbles.

It is not recommended to enter battle without shields – death will force you to pay a huge amount of gold to return your vehicle, or choose a free starting vehicle and spend a lot of time recreating a device capable of fighting larger opponents. Missions are published by game corporations into the types of tasks they offer – the yellow Geo Corp offers resource gathering, the colorful Venture Corp requires completing quests, and so on.

Game information
  • Developer: Payload Studios
  • Interface:

System requirements
  • OS: Windows 7, 8, 10
  • CPU: Intel Core i3 2.66 GHz
  • RAM: 4 GB
  • Video card: nVidia GeForce 520M / Intel HD 4000
  • Disk space: 1 GB

Download WITHOUT torrent

direct link via Ufiler

Additional distributions:
Pirate (Tablet: Not required)
Version: v 1.6 + DLC – Deluxe Edition
Information about distribution
461 MB
File storage
Version: vBuild 13434304
Open vault
515 MB


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