The Last Cube

The Last Cube

Jan 20 admin  

The Last Cube
Torrent Version Download

Get ready for a mesmerizing experience! This The Last Cube
PC game is pre-installed and available for free download via both Direct and Torrent links. Dive into enchantment with just one click.

The Last Cube is a bright and dynamic puzzle, tailored to the physical properties of bodies and the use of the environment. The action takes place on alien locations and celestial bodies that are falling apart, deformed or rearranged in a chaotic manner. The entire long journey must be overcome by controlling the cube, which must undergo initialization, proving to higher powers your ability to save the world and the value of maintaining it. All puzzles were invented by the ancients to determine truly strong individuals who were able to rise up and withstand the load that would be placed on them.

As you progress in The Last Cube, new features and mechanics will open up quite often. As soon as the player gets used to the latest updates in the gameplay, the game will throw in new ones, preventing it from slipping into monotony and mediocrity. The main tool in overcoming obstacles is stickers placed on the edge of the cube. Each of them has its own strength and abilities that need to be activated by creating the right moment or combination of symbols.

The locations are varied and colorful: forests, canyons, deserts, cyberpunk space, dungeons, volcano crater. With proper exploration of the area, you can not only find a good way out of the level, but also find scattered secrets and complete additional quests. Moving to a new area, it will surprise and change opinions about riddles and their solutions; the world around us will offer new interactive objects that change the perception of the area as a whole.

Game information
  • Developer: Improx Games
  • Interface:

System Requirements
  • OS: 7 / 8 / 10 (64 bit)
  • CPU: Intel or AMD 2.20GHz Dual-Core
  • RAM: 4 GB
  • Video card: DX10 Capable
  • Disk space: 1.9 GB

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